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Techno-Press Journals

    Prof. Miguel Cerrolaza
    Bioengineering Inst. of Technol.
    International University of Catalonia
    08195 Sant Cugat, Spain

Associate Editors-in-Chief
    Prof. Kytai Truong Nguyen
    The Univ. of Texas at Arlington
    500 UTA Blvd. ERB-241
    Arlington, TX 76010, USA

    Prof. Karl Kingsley
    Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas,
    School of Dental Medicine
    1001 Shadow Lane, B313
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89106, USA

Managing Editor
    Prof. Chang-Koon Choi
    Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. & Technol.
    Daejeon 34141, Korea

ISSN 2465-9835(Print), ISSN 2465-9959(Online)
Vol.7 (var issues) for 2023, Quarterly
Free Open Access journal: there is no charge for publishing open access.
For correspondence:
Aims and Scope

The "Biomaterials and Biomechanics in Bioengineering (BME)", An International Journal aims at the integrated source of information on new biomaterials technologies and bioengineering including clinical applications.

The scope of BME journal includes; Fundamentals of biomaterials; Design/manufacturing biomaterials; Nano-bio materials; regenerative medicine; Stem cells and cell therapy; Drug and gene delivery; Biomechanics; Modeling/simulation/visualization; Medical devices; Living tissues/muscles/organs/artificial organs; Nerves; Fluid/blood dynamics; Bone/bone mechanics/ossification; Other relevant topics. It also covers; mechanics coupled with medical, dental, sports, care, human activity, biomimetics, and other pertinent fields.
Editorial Board
Prof. Tarek Abdel-Fattah
Christopher Newport Univ.
Newport News, VA 23606, USA

Prof. Ahmed Al-Jumaily
Auckland Univ. of Tech.
Auckland 92006, New Zealand

Prof. Eben Alsberg
Case Western Reserve Univ.
Cleveland, OH 44106-7207, USA

Prof. Nimet Bolgen
Mersin Univ
Mersin, Turkey

Dr. Dmitry Bulgin
Center for Regenerative Med. "ME-DENT"
52210, Rovinj, Croatia

Dr. Loredana De Bartolo
Univ. of Calabria
via P. Bucci 87030 Rende (CS), Italy

Prof. Linhong Deng
Changzhou Univ.
Jiangsu, 213164, P.R. China

Prof. Jose Di Paolo
Nat'l Univ. of Entre Rios
3100 Oro Verde, Argentina

Prof. Agnes Drochon
Univ. de Technologie de ompiegne
60200 Compiegne, France

Dr. Zagane Mohammed El Sallah
Univ. Tiaret

Prof. Y. Murat Elcin
Ankara Univ.
06560 Tandogan, Ankara, Turkey

Prof. Hicham Fenniri
Northeastern Univ.
Boston, MA 02115-5000, USA

Prof. T. Christian Gasser
Royal Inst. of Tech.
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Prof. Sanjay Gupta
Indian Institute of Technology
West Bengal 721302, India

Dr. Ridha Hambli
Univ. of Orleans
Orleans 45067, France

Prof. Douglas W Hamilton
The Univ. of Western Ontario
London, N6A 5C1, UK

Prof. Chun-Jen Huang
National Central Univ.
Taoyuan County 320, Taiwan

Dr. Brian T. Jankowitz
Univ. of Pittsburgh Med. Center,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2582, USA

Dr. David Kalfa
Univ. of Columbia,
New York, NY 10027, USA

Prof. Young Ho Kim
Yonsei Univ.
Wonju 220-710, Korea

Prof. Bahattin Koc
Sabanci Univ.
34956 Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. Magdalena Kopernik
AGH Univ. of Sci and Tech.
Krakow 30-059, Poland

Prof. Seung-Yup Ku
Dept. of OB/GYN
Seoul Nat'l Univ. Hospital, Korea

Dr. Pradeep Kumar
Dept. Pharmacy and Pharmacology
U. Witwatersrand, South Africa

Dr. Thibault Lemaire
Univ. of Paris
Paris 75005, France

Prof. Bin Li
Soochow Univ.
Suzhou, China

Prof. Haifeng Liu
Beihang Univ.
Beijing 100191, China

Dr. Vinyas M.
Nitte Meenakshi Inst. Technol.

Prof. Michel Mesnard
Univ. de Bordeaux 33800
Bordeaux, France

Prof. Emmanuel C Opara
Virginia Tech-Wake Forest School of Biomed. Eng.&Sci.
Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA

Dr. Ibrahim T. Ozbolat
Univ. Of Iowa, Iowa City
IA 52242, USA

Prof. Umapada Pal
Autonomous Univ. Puebla
Pue. 72430, Mexico

Prof. C. Pablo Pennisi
Aalborg Univ.
9220 Aalborg ¨ª, Denmark
Dr. Salah Ramtani
Univ. Inst. of Tech. (IUT)
Saint-Denis Cedex 93200, France

Prof. T. Jothi Saravanan
Yokohama U

Prof. E. Selahi
Islamic Azad U

Prof. S. Shefelbine
Northeastern University

Prof. Arosha Senanayake
Univ. of Brunei
BE1410, Brunei

Dr. Rohan Shirwaiker
Univ. of North Carolina State
Raleigh, NC 27695, USA

Prof. Bo Su
Univ. of Bristol
Bristol BS1 2LY, UK

Prof. Naoki Takano
Keio Univ. Yokohama,
223-8522 Kanagawa, Japan

Prof. Huaping Tan
Nanjing Univ. of Science & Technology
Nanjing 210094, China

Dr. Kwong Ming TSE
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010 Australia

Prof. Wei-Bor Tsai
Nat'l Taiwan Univ.
Taipei City, Taiwan

Prof. Adam Ye
Orthodontics & Tissue Eng.
Univ. of Queensland, Austrailia

Prof. Z. Yosibash
Mech. Eng.
Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Guide to Authors (Last updated: Oct 25, 2023)

1. Submission of the paper
Authors are asked to submit manuscripts in PDF (or Latex) format electronically through the Techno-Press Manuscript Upload System (TeMUS) ( Exceptionally, the special issue papers may be directly submitted to the Guest Editor. If you have difficulties in using TeMUS, please contact us at[]. On receiving submitted papers, the system will issue the paper ID and Password to the corresponding author which may be conveniently used to check the status of submitted papers. Authors should carefully check if their paper satisfied all the requirements in the preliminary list before submission.

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General : The manuscripts should be in English and typed with single column and single line spacing on single side of A4 paper. Submitted papers will be published in regular technical paper only. The first page of an article should contain; (1) a title of paper which well reflects the contents of the paper (Arial, 16pt), (2) all the name(s) and affiliations(s) of authors(s) (Arial, 12pt), (3) an abstract of 100~250 words (Times New Roman, 11pt), (4) 5-10 keywords following the abstract, and (5) footnote (personal title and email address of the corresponding author (required) and other authors' (not mandatory)). The paper should be concluded by proper conclusions which reflect the findings in the paper. The normal length of the technical paper should be about 12-24 journal pages. Authors are advised to read the details in the Authors' Guide for guide and Template.
Tables and figures : Tables and figures should be consecutively numbered and have short titles. They should be referred to in the text as following examples (e.g., Fig. 1(a), Figs. 1 and 2, Figs. 1(a)-(d) / Table 1, Tables 1-2), etc. Tables should have borders (1/2pt plane line) with the captions right before the table. Figures should be properly located in the text as an editable image file (.jpg) with captions on the lower cell. All of the original figures and tables are required to be placed at the suitable locations in the text.
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References : A list of references which reflect the current state of technology in the field locates after conclusions of the paper. For details to prepare the list of references and cite them in the text, authors are advised to follow the introduction and the sample list in the Authors' Guide.

3. Review
All the submitted papers that have passed the preliminary check by the editors will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to judge their significance and originality. Those papers positively recommended by at least two expert reviewers will be finally accepted for publication in the Techno-Press Journals or after any required modifications are made.

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Inaugural Issue
Volume 1, Number 1, June 2013

Jianxun Ding (China)
Biodegradable Poly(ethylene glycol)-Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Micelles for Controlled Antitumor Drug Delivery

David Mickaël Kalfa (France)
Biomedical engineering in pediatric and congenital cardiac surgery: extracellular matrix patches and tissue-engineered valved conduits

Md Enamul Hoque (Malaysia)
Study on the Conventional Dental Porcelain: Effects of Acids on the Physical and Mechanical Properties

Eniko Gyorgy (Spain)
Processing and immobilization onto solid substrates of enzymes by laser radiation

Shih-Jung Liu (Taiwan)
Controlled release of Fluorouracil and Cisplatin from biodegradable multi-layered beads

Emmanuel C. Opara (USA)
Polymeric microbeads for the dual purpose of cell immunoisolation and drug delivery
Table of Contents.
  • 2022  Volume 6      No. 1  
  • 2020  Volume 5      No. 1  
  • 2019  Volume 4      No. 1  
  • 2016  Volume 3      No. 1      No.2    No.3
  • 2015  Volume 2      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2014  Volume 1      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4


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    Biomaterials and Biomechanics in Engineering
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